Candidate Tuesday Tips #5

Hey there! It’s Dan from CCR Search Recruitment Agency.

Today’s candidate Tuesday tips are focused on standing out and getting hashtag#hired on hashtag#linkedin.

👉 Have a professional head shot done. Your profile picture matters.
If you can’t get a professional headshot done, use this site:

👉 Build your network. Tap relevant professionals on LinkedIn with a note along the lines of I see we are in similar industries, have mutual connections, went to the same school, etc. and I hope to be an asset to each other at some point. Please let me know if I can ever be of assistance to you.

👉 Don't burn bridges. If someone reaches out to you without a relevant message, don't respond with an unkind message. Decline with a nice note or don't respond. Never burn a bridge as the world is small and why make a professional enemy?

👉 The more information in your LinkedIn, the more relevant you'll be to recruiters. Include specifics on performance, accolades, and check that your work history is up to date/aligned with your resume.

👉 Have a good title/headline and make the job you want the headline.

👉 Use the about section to describe who you are, what you are looking for, and why. Tailor your profile to a specific position you are trying to get into. Use the lingo that the industry uses. Ex) B2B, DTC, DKIM, SDR.

👉 Identify certificates that the industry cares about and post about them when achieved. Managers look for the ones they care about. Like AWS, HubSpot, achieved your CPA, etc.

👉 Nail the basics. Check your grammar, elaborate your achievements, use keywords specific to your industry. Make a portfolio or website. A copy & paste via Grammarly, ChatGPT, or all the others are all that is needed to clean up your writing mistakes. Skipping this step can be a fatal error in your search.

Many of the above strategies are directly from Shane Humason. Find him on YouTube for additional beneficial advice.

Good luck, and hope you nail your next hashtag#interview!


Candidate Tuesday Tips #6


Candidate Tuesday Tips #4