Candidate Tuesday Tips #15

Greetings! This is Dan from CCR Search Recruitment Agency. In today's #CandidateTuesdayTips, let's explore the art of making a graceful exit from a position while upholding your integrity and personal brand, regardless of whether your departure is due to contract completion, layoffs, or resignation.

Here are six steps to navigate this process effectively:

1.     Consult with a Legal Expert: Seek counsel from an employment lawyer to gain valuable insights and ensure you navigate your exit strategically, giving you a competitive edge.

2.     Craft Your Exit Narrative: Shape your departure story in a way that preserves your professional reputation. Whether the circumstances are positive or negative, maintain your integrity and professionalism, leaving a lasting positive impact.

3.     Build Lasting Professional Relationships: Concentrate on strengthening your professional connections, as these relationships can serve as valuable references for your future endeavors. Treating others well during your exit can positively influence your career trajectory.

4.     Consider Postponing the Termination Date: If possible, delay the termination date to allow for a smoother transition. Take the time to develop a solid plan and refrain from signing any agreements without consulting a lawyer.

5.     Maximize Post-Exit Benefits: Pay attention to severances, bonuses, stock options, and benefits such as unused vacation time. Aligning with the advice from step #1, work towards securing the best possible outcomes as you transition out.

6.     Update Your Resume and Plan Your Next Move: Ensure your resume reflects your latest accomplishments and experiences.

Share any other thoughts in the comments to help out those currently in this process. Wishing you all the best in any and all future transitions!


Candidate Tuesday Tips #14